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medicine cod tramadol On LCP they ALL die thirsty! The Mental Capacity Act allows for food/drink to be stopped if treatment is stopped, on the authority of the Advocate, so yes, many have, and will die prematurely unless something is done to make sure fluids and nutrition is NOT classed as treatment. BMA declared artificial hydration and nutrition to be "Treatment" following Tony Bland court case, which allowed staff to remove the naso-gastric tube, so that he would die. He was not dying, though in a "Locked-in state" and he only had a naso-gastric tube. No big deal to keep him alive, but it was an excuse to do away with long term bed-fillers. Shame on us for going along with it. Nursing Models put it clear enough, Hydration, Nutrition, mobilisation, continence- all basic needs of life and nursing responsiblities to bring as near as pos to perfection