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    I'm on business xanax picture gg 258 Four times this season Portland has defeated an opponent by 3 or more goals. Of course just one of those wins was against a playoff caliber team (3-0 over Colorado). RSL hasn't lost a match by three goals all season, and have lost by 2 goals just 4 times this season. So while when the two sides meet on Sunday what they did in the past against other teams will matter little, there is the stark reality that the Timbers have never beaten RSL by 2 goals let alone by 3 goals. Their lone win over RSL was a 1-0 win over a team that had lost the CCL final just a few days earlier. This year, when these two sides met, the results haven't been promising for the Timbers, a 2-1 loss at RSL in the US Open Cup semi-final, followed by a 3-3 draw at home, then a 4-2 loss at Rio Tinto, and a 0-0 draw at home, then the first round playoff match which was another 4-2 loss for the Timbers. I get you have to keep your head up, I get you have to go into the match believing you can pull it off, I get all the things that Portland is saying publicly and in their locker room, but reality is a cruel mistress.
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